New york tool co. wood plane

Ohio tool - davistown museum, Along with the auburn tool. co's "star," ohio tool co. also owned and used new york tool co.'s "thistle" brand. photographs references. nelson, robert e., ed. (1999). directory of american toolmakers: a listing of identified makers of tools who worked in canada and the united states before 1900. early american industries association.. Antique wooden planes , Wp20107 ohio tool co an as found #104 toted boxwood plow plane. this plane was well cared for and has no damage to the tote, almost perfect threads, and a nice wedge. its only real fault is that the body has some of the natural age checks to which boxwood is prone. the boxwood has a dark, rich patina..

Antique Wooden Steel Blade Auburn Tool Co Thistle Brand ...
Antique Wooden Steel Blade Auburn Tool Co Thistle Brand ... Vintage Wood & Metal Tool AUBURN TOOL CO New York Hand ...
Vintage Wood & Metal Tool AUBURN TOOL CO New York Hand ... Vintage Wood *NEW YORK TOOL CO - AUBURN * 2 1/4" COFFIN ...
Vintage Wood *NEW YORK TOOL CO - AUBURN * 2 1/4" COFFIN ... Shelf DIY: New york tool co. wood plane
Shelf DIY: New york tool co. wood plane

Vintage Wood *NEW YORK TOOL CO - AUBURN * 2 1/4" COFFIN ...

Sargent & - davistown museum, Sargent & . hartford haven, ct 1869-1926. tool types: axes, clamps, hammers, hoes, metal planes, picks, plane irons, screwdrivers, shaves, wood planes, identifying marks: sargent variations remarks: sargent & company formed 1858 companies, located states involving sargent brothers (joseph ., george & edward) . Oldtools archive, 1887- ohio tool . employed 70 hands. 1893- auburn tool . ohio tool . merged offices york factories auburn, .. columbus, ohio. 1900- ohio tool . received highest award carpenter' tools paris exposition.. David . barton tool - davistown museum, David . barton tool . rochester, ny. information directory american toolmakers (nelson 1999, 63-4).. david barton partner toolmaking companies, rochester, york..

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